About Europa Stamps

EUROPA stamps underlines cooperation in the postal domain and promotes philately. EUROPA Stamps also build awareness of the common roots, culture and history of Europe. As such, EUROPA stamp issues are among the most collected and most popular stamps in the world.



L'édition présente des images des côtes de Jersey, prises par la photographe sous-marine et nageuse en eau froide locale, Nicola Miskin. Nicola décrit son travail : "Nager dans la mer toute l'année, photographier sous l'eau m'a ouvert les yeux sur un monde magnifique. La mer en constante évolution est un studio de couleurs, de motifs et de reflets." L'émission de timbres contient quelques-unes des faunes et flores sous-marines les plus courantes que l'on trouve dans nos baies, notamment l'anémone plumeuse, le varech vésiculeux, le patelle commun, la méduse boussole, le bigorneau plat, la laitue de mer, le carraghénane, la grande coquille Saint-Jacques et le corne de velours présentés sur la feuille de timbres souvenir.


This year’s EUROPA Stamps are more than just postage or collectible items—they're windows into the mesmerizing underwater world of Europe. Each stamp is a work of art, capturing the vibrant tapestry of marine life found in Europe's seas, rivers, and lakes. From delicate seahorses dancing in seagrass meadows to vibrant corals bustling with activity, these stamps offer a glimpse into the breathtaking biodiversity beneath the waves, beneath the coolness of a lake. Whether through intricate illustrations or stunning photographs, these stamps showcase the rich tapestry of life that thrives in European waters. With every stamp, collectors and enthusiasts are transported to these underwater realms, fostering awe and appreciation for the wonders of nature.