France – Le Groupe La Poste

With 8 million users within 2 months, enables anyone who may have been exposed to COVID-19 to self-evaluate and benefit from health recommendations.

Within these extraordinary circumstances, the team at Docaposte has joined its expertise with their partners of the “Digital Alliance against COVID-19” to develop the website.

In record time, Docaposte made available its trusted technical infrastructures such as its data management and digital solution management platform, as well as its data centres dedicated to hosting health data, and launched the website. relies on scientific bases elaborated by a top-tier committee (Pasteur Institute, several university hospitals, etc.). Out of public interest, the website has been developed to alleviate the pressure on emergency numbers and services.

The website has reached more than 8 million visitors in 2 months, and 5.5 million surveys were filled in. The platform is also available on other apps: Withings, a brand of IoT devices, has integrated it into its app. It is the first website to be referenced and recommended by the Ministry of Health and French Health Director Pr. Jerôme Salomon.