Germany – Deutsche Post DHL

DPDHL Group wants to train 80% of its staff as Certified GoGreen Specialists until 2025 in order to support the goal of becoming a zero emissions logistics company by 2050.

DPDHL Group has set itself the ambitious goal to reduce all logisticsrelated emissions to zero until the year 2050. To successfully pursue this, it is important that employees understand the overall context, identify with the goals and actively contribute. Therefore the initial

goal is, to train 80% of the employees to Certified GoGreen Specialists by the year 2025.

A comprehensive training curriculum was developed and rolled out across the Group in 2019. To address different roles, working environments and knowledge levels, the curriculum is modular. The foundation module conveys basic knowledge about climate change, the Group’s climate protection strategy Mission 2050, the Group-wide climate protection program GoGreen and concrete actions everyone can do to reduce their carbon footprint.

Additionally, there are further modules in the divisions, which provide employees with specific knowledge on how to be green in their specific role.

The vision pursued with this educational employee programme is to “build a GoGreen Specialist culture where employees are inspired to adopt a GoGreen mind set and are capable of supporting the achievement of our GoGreen Mission 2050.”

The training curriculum was launched on May 20, 2019. The progress will be reported annually in the Group’s Corporate Responsibility Report. The next report will be issued in March 2020.