Boosting circular economy by further easing C2C e-commerce. Making it easier to purchase second-hand goods reduces emissions drastically.


According to a study, of the lifecycle emissions of a T-shirt, 83% are caused in manufacturing, four percent in the distribution and sales phase, 10% in transport and 3% percent in use. To further facilitate C2C e-commerce, Posti developed an easy one-click-parcel solution “Tori Parcel” together with the largest online C2C second-hand platform Tori, to purchase the delivery of a customer parcel via the Tori website. According to a survey done in May, 70% of consumers decide case-by-case whether they will purchase a new or second-hand item and almost 80% believe they will do the latter more often in the future. Frictionless, easy and trustworthy logistics is the key to accelerate the growth of circular economy via C2C commerce and thus to paving the way to more sustainable consumption. Tori Parcel has helped Tori to achieve double-digit growth figures over the last two years.


Last year 13,7 million items were announced. Already in 2018 items sold via Tori saved 0,15 million tons of CO2 and 5 383 tons of plastic. In April-May, the volume of C2C parcels delivered by Posti rose by nearly 70% year-on-year