Netherlands - PostNL

HVO100, a renewable diesel



Expanding PostNL’s use of renewable fuels by implementing 100% Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil.


In order to achieve their 2030 science-based targets (SBTs) PostNL is focusing on increasing the share of renewable fuels used. PostNL view renewable fuels as transitional. They will remain important in the coming five years, while working towards scaling up the switch to electric or other zero-emission options. These renewable fuels are made from organic material, such as vegetable oil, organic waste and frying oil. In 2020 the testing of a renewable diesel on a part of PostNL’s fleet began. Supplier Neste converts the used frying oil from all McDonald’s locations in the Netherlands to 100% Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO100). As a diesel made from renewable raw materials, HVO100 produces 90% less CO2 emissions during its life cycle compared to fossil diesel. PostNL was one of the first large companies in the country to run on this fuel and switched to renewables for 8% of their total consumption in 2020. The use of renewable diesels significantly will scale up in the years to come.


PostNL’s inter sorting-centre transport is carried out by large trucks, while for last-mile parcel delivery uses medium-sized delivery vans. At the moment over 300 vans and 100 large trucks are using HVO100 across the country. PostNL is planning to expand the use of HVO100 substantially.