Russian Federation - JSC Russian Post

Electronic registered mail



Russian Post provides a service of registered mail in electronic format convenient for customers, but also for environmental protection.


In Russia, important documents are usually sent by registered mail. Traditionally, a registered letter is a paper letter that an addressee can only receive at a/the post office with his personal signature. This is how fines for violations of the traffic regulations, requests for summons, notices from the tax service, and other official notices for customers are sent out. An alternative to paper letters is the service of electronic registered letters. There is no need to go to a/the post office and it helps to save natural resources.

No need to print a letter and put it in an envelope, no transport is required. If a client enabled this service, they receive a registered email in the Russian Post mobile application and in their personal account During registration for the service, a client needs to confirm their identity – this is an equivalent to a signature when the letter is received.


In 2020, Russian Post customers sent 131 million registered items, 78% more than in 2019. According to Russian Post estimates’, over the past 3 years, conversion of registered letters to electronic form saved 6 800 trees from being cut down and saved 400 tons of paper, 10.400.000 litres of water, 96.000 litres of fuel and 1.600.000 kWh of electricity.