Lithuania - Lietuvos paštas

Lithuania Post offered help to all Lithuanian municipalities in the form of delivery of essential grocery items and other goods to the people who live in remote rural villages.

All the municipalities that took the offer and have mobile postmen working in them had packets of groceries delivered to senior citizens who live in remote areas as well as other people looking for help.  The mobile postmen visit even the places that are the hardest to reach.

The postmen were not burdened by such task: they delivered the packets according to lists that were made by the municipalities while working in their particular territories. In order to avoid contact, the groceries were left by people’s doors. The groceries thus reached even the most remote corners of the country.

More than a dozen municipalities accepted the offer and, so far, 22 postmen have taken part in the initiative. Over 390 packets of essential items have been delivered to more than 330 families at almost 100 different locations. The project continues and even better results are expected.