Erasmus + Program “Age Management Training Strategic partnership for innovation in the Postal Sector – INNOV’AGE Project”

The INNOV'AGE Project in a nutshell

Programme area: EC Education and Culture DG

Status: On-going

Duration: 2016-2019

Contract number:  2016-1-FR01-KA202-023924

Under the PostEurop Corporate Social Responsibility Activities (CSR-C) the Training Working Group, in cooperation with PostEurop, applied for the European Commission Erasmus + Programme in 2016, with the “INNOV'AGE in the Postal Sector Project” created to facilitate age management. The Project was approved by the European Commission via the French National Agency with the duration of three years (2016-2019).

INNOV’AGE in the Postal Sector Project is coordinated by La Poste and the partners include: PostEurop, Bulgarian Posts, Posta Romana, Poste Italiane, University of Bordeaux, Hellenic Post SA -ELTA, KEK-ELTA, Cyprus Post and InoSalus (specialised Professional Health Company).

Taking in account the postal sector specific age pyramid, the project aims at developing an innovative training prototype to promote the multigenerational diversity topic within the sector. The objective is to have specific scientific publishing about intergeneration diversity as a results of the research to be carried out during the project. This research will help identify the most adequate management model that leads to efficiency and innovation within the organisation. The Project will be dealing with age management issues in the postal sector by creating innovative training prototype valorising intergenerational teams.

During the past years the postal sector adapted to new models, services and products mainly keeping their employees but also hiring additional employees. Training is a key to manage changes in the organisations developing customer orientation, adapting to digital economy and services facilitating innovation within companies. The project provides a greater opportunity for knowledge sharing between generations within Europe and a way to combine cultural and company’s identities under common framework to address the age management issue in order to increase social inclusion in a sector that represents 2 million workers. 

PostEurop is an active partner and the official member of the EU-OSHA campaign on “Healthy Work Places for all Ages”. PostEurop’s INNOV’AGE Project – “Age Management Training strategic partnership for innovation in the postal sector” is directly linked to the EU-OSHA campaign and both are complimentary to each other. Being an official partner of the EU-OSHA Campaign the Project will also have an excellent opportunity to disseminate the work carried out, progress made and the results at a very broad high level.

The project is expected to achieve the following results:

  • Develop employability of all employees (senior as well as the junior employees) of the companies
  • Valorise intergenerational team and make them more efficient to promote innovation in the companies
  • Facilitate and stimulate innovation within the partner's company on the age management topic
  • Ensure that workplaces are safe - promoting health and wellbeing at work in line with the new EU-OSHA campaign. The Project will have a positive impact globally on societal issues by reducing absenteeism; health care and insurance costs, improving working relationship, staff morale and motivation. The consequence will improve productivity and better quality of outputs as well as portray better overall image of the business

The strategic partnership will be an occasion to follow-up mid-term cooperation among postal operator’s employees in particular middle management and their teams from operations in order to improve their skills on age management and workforce engagement to develop intergenerational team valorisation. 


Last updated on 9 June 2017

Project Director
Antonino Scribellito
T: +32 27731193
Assistant Project Manager
Waqas Ahsen
T: +32 27619652
Project Assistant
Angjelo Andoni
T: +32 2 761 9653