The NeWPOST Project

Programme area: Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
Status: On-going
Duration: 2018-2021
Project number:  597876-EPP-1-2018-1-EL-EPPKA3-VET-JQ

Under the PostEurop Corporate Social Responsibility Activities (CSR-C) the Training Working Group, in cooperation with PostEurop, applied for the European Commission Erasmus + Programme: NeWPOST: upgrading the EU Postal Sector with new skills Project. The Project application has been successful and approved by the European Commission. The Project started in November 2018 and will end in July 2021, duration of two and a half years.

The project consortium is led by the Greek partner AKMI S.A, which is an institution specialised in educational services and it includes: PostEurop, the Institute for training personnel in international organisations-Bulgaria, Posta Romana, Bulgarian Post, Hellenic Post, the Greek institute Readlab, the National Agency for vocational education and training from Bulgaria, EUROFED-Romania, and the two qualifications bodies  Eurocert S.A-Greece,  and Eurocert S.A- Romania.

NEWPOST aims to provide a new JOINT Vocational Education and Training (VET) Curricula for the postal sector to deal with the increasing skills mismatch caused using new technologies. The project will enhance those essential skills for the present and future employees to adapt to the new trends, reduce skills gaps, and to match the needs of new IT skills.

The main objectives of the project are:

  1. To increase the possibilities, opportunities and working conditions of young people.
  2. To build new occupational profile based on soft and digital skills to overcome geographical and institutional barriers which undermine parcel delivery, to enhance the competitive advantage of the postal sector, and to improve the quality of e – commerce.
  3. To boost the joint development of VET in Europe. Work Based Learning will be at the core of this process as far as the identification of labour market needs.

Therefore, the expected results of the project will be:

  • The effective creation of the VET Curricula for the postal sector
  • The definition of a scheme to implement a Working Based Learning system
  • The elaboration of a First Certification of “New Age” postal Employees under PostEurop
  • The possibility that at least 100 postal service providers will be trained with the new curricula

The NeWPOST Project will strengthen the overall postal sector and its role in European economy and growth, as it represents almost 1% of EU’s GDP. The strategic cooperation implemented through the projects will target not only the current and future employees, but it will affect Postal Institutions, Post Offices, e-commerce sector and associated partners. Finally, NeWPOST will improve the mobility of workers and the harmonisation of competences in the postal sector.

Last updated 5 November 2020

Project Director
Antonino Scribellito
T: +32 27731193
Assistant Project Manager
Waqas Ahsen
T: +32 27619652
Project Assistant
Angjelo Andoni
T: +32 2 761 9653

Funding Institutions


Project Website