The Leonardo da Vinci Programme 2010 - Training Partnership for a Changing Post Project

The LDV 2010 Project in a nutshell

Programme area: EC Education and Culture DG
2010 – 2012
Contract number: BEF/10/LLP-LdV/PM/58145

Under the PostEurop Corporate Social Responsibility Activities (CSR-C), the training working group, in cooperation with PostEurop, applied for the European Commission Life Long Learning programme “Leonardo da Vinci” in the year 2010, particularly “Training Partnership for a Changing Post – Project”. The Project duration was 2 years and ended in July 2012.

The partnership objective was to create an efficient and innovative training Expert Network to anticipate competences for now and for the future for the crucial and critical positions and jobs in the postal sector.

The actions were to share best practices, to promote initiatives in the area of training to anticipate needs, to promote skills development in a sector in permanent evolution with an important workforce.

The Project was coordinated by La Poste, France and partners included: PostEurop (expert in Project Management), Bulgarian Posts, Hrvatska Posta, Deutsche Post, Correos y Telégrafos and Turkish PTT. The observers are Magyar Posta, CTT - Correios de Portugal and Swiss Post.

The beneficiaries of the programme were the Training and Human Resources experts, the trainees and the top management of those postal operators


  • Identified critical and crucial jobs in the sector and described needs and competences for now and for the future
  • Shared solutions to develop training for those crucial and critical positions
  • Shared best practices
  • Promoted the initiatives in the area of training to anticipate needs
  • Promoted skills development in a sector in permanent evolution with an important workforce


Updated on 24 May 2013

Project Director
Antonino Scribellito
T: +32 27731193
Assistant Project Manager
Waqas Ahsen
T: +32 27619652
Project Assistant
Angjelo Andoni
T: +32 2 761 9653

Funding Institution