Best Practice-Wider Europe Transversal (BP-WE)

The Best Practice – Wider Europe Transversal is an open cross-functional platform for the knowledge and best practices exchange between members.   


It is designed to particularly enable Eastern European Members from the CIS and SEE countries to benefit from the exchange with other Members under the well-known PostEurop Neighbourhood Programme (PNP). 

 The PNP promotes

  1. Operations and Quality of Service improvement
  2. Customs
  3. Security and stability in line with the European Security Strategy
  4. Deeper cooperation in the fields of Postal Regulatory Affairs, Postal Social Affairs, Postal Operational Affairs and Postal Market Affairs based on specific needs expressed by PE Members

Western European Members can facilitate these activities through:

  1. Hosting the workshops for exchanging of practical experience between the Designated Operators
  2. Having postal experts engage in the process reviews and process assessment in the region

We would like to hear from you

We are open to new ideas and would like to hear from members on how we can further enrich the activities to benefit all.  Please do not hesitate to contact Candan Senyuz, Chair of the BP-WE transversal.

Updated 10 October 2022

Candan Senyüz
Turkish PTT
F: +90 3123095408
Levan Chikvaidze
Georgian Post Ltd