Market Environment

The key aspect of a sustainable postal market is increasing volumes going through the network. This requires for the postal operators to be customer-oriented and deliver the services that customers require. Postal operators have to come up with innovative and inventive new products and services that correspond to the overall communication needs of citizens and businesses alike.

This sounds simple but requires thorough understanding of the actual product and service requirements of customers and users and cooperation with other industry stakeholders to create the environment in which postal services can thrive. Product innovation is crucial, not only to respond to higher customer requirements, but also to take advantage of existing and potential technologies in the field of communications.

To assist Members in fulfiling this challenging mission, PostEurop has been involved with an important innovation, that of the Association’s expansion and opening to new partnerships. Key industry stakeholders are currently being invited to develop a cooperation conducive to new ideas, new ways of working and overall growth of the postal sector throughout Europe.

The Market Activities Circle

The Market Activities Circle (MAC) is PostEurop’s means to ensure that Members are in a position to provide improved response to customer expectations. It provides a link to the market environment from customer needs feedback to contacts with other market partners/stakeholders.

The group adds value by giving postal operators a better grasp of the market in which they operate, giving insights into customer needs and market trends, thus allowing the Members to better defend and build on their current positions and ensure a viable future. Its mission is also to develop and promote the use of mail through interaction with customer groups.

Market Activities Circle Working Groups

  1. Emerging Industry Trends Working Group
  2. Stamps & Philately Working Group
  3. Keep Me Posted EU
  4. Two Sides
  5. European Mail Industry Platform (EMIP)


Updated: 18 May 2022

Simona Bratuša
Pošta Slovenije d.o.o.
Oliver Kaliski
Österreichische Post AG
F: +43 577675 25060
Jana Vlachová
T: +32 2 761 9655

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