Security and Customs Transversal (SCT)

With the aim of duly informing all PostEurop members on security measures undertaken by third countries that may affect operations, the Strategic Security Task Force transversal was created in 2011. This task force facilitated the coordination among different Committees including the European Affairs Committee (EAC), UPU and Operational groups on key issues affecting our daily work in security and related topics such as transport, airlines and customs relations.

In light of the PostEurop Strategy, the Security and Customs Transversal will further build on the successful Strategic Security Task Force activities, in close cooperation with regulatory working groups - Aviation Security and Transport & Energy Legislation.


  1. To provide a solid platform for an exchange of information regarding the security and customs developments, including also the crisis network.
  2. Initiate and carry out lobbying activities on security and customs, where appropriate.
  3. Provide a common platform for PostEurop Members to support the implementation of the SAFEPOST project.

SCT Working Groups:

  1. Customs
  2. Security
  3. SAFEPOST Project

In cooperation with EAC:

  1. Aviation Security
  2. Transport & Energy Legislation

 Updated on 23 February 2015

David Pilkington
Royal Mail International
F: +44 207 239 2427
Jana Vlachová
T: +32 2 761 9655