RADAR Transversal

As a member driven association, the “small” postal operators identified the importance of developing the exchange of common views among themselves about a wide range of topics due to their multi-businesses’ specificities which lead to the creation of RADAR (REACTIVITY AGILITY, DECISION, ADAPTABILITY, RESULT) Transversal. Because of their size, their local proximity, limited resources and the decision-making channels often shorter than the large entities, the RADAR Transversal members have indeed a vocation to become an operational think tank by combining the economic and social efficiency.

RADAR Transversal is created to identify topics of common interest among the RADAR postal operators in order to answer to their expressed need to share experiences, to work together and to capitalise on effective and sustainable solutions.


  1. Provide a platform for exchange of knowledge and best practices between small countries Members;
  2. Act as a laboratory to test and innovate within the postal sector;
  3. Promote the activities and innovation from the RADAR Transversal country members and widely those of PostEurop

Currently the RADAR Transversal is comprised of 13 PostEurop Members (Aland, Cyprus, Guernsey, Iceland, Isle of Man, Jersey, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, San Marino & Vatican).

RADAR membership criteria:

  • Maximum 1,500 employees and/or maximum country area15,000 Km2
  • Member of European Union or non-European Union
  • Observers are welcome.

Last updated 17 July 2019

Reto Hermann
Liechtensteinische Post AG
T: +423 (399) 44 24
Carmen Scerri Lautier
MaltaPost p.l.c.
T: +356 25961261
F: +356 21226223