Transport & Environment Legislation

Since 2008 “Transport & Environment Legislation” is one of the 7 Working Groups of the European Affairs Committee (EAC). Members are discussing the latest regulatory developments in the respective policy fields and its impact to the postal sector.

EU initiatives in the transport field are by nature closely interlinked with environmental issues. Both policy areas are crucial to postal operators and play an integral part in their activities. It remains of key importance to find a balanced approach between efficient transport policies, sustainable urban mobility plans and an overall European low-emission mobility strategy. The subjects will be dealt in close cooperation with the Environment Working Group of PostEurop’s Corporate Social Responsibility Circle.

Main tasks

  1. Monitor & evaluate the developments of the European legislation on transport having an impact on the postal sector (e.g. urban freight transport policy, clean vehicles directive, regulation on electronic freight transport information etc.).
  2. Assess the impact of European initiatives on sustainable transport for the postal sector (e.g. incentives schemes for greener vehicles & sustainable fuels, development of a harmonized carbon footprint methodology, CO2 emissions standards for LDVs & HDVs).
  3. Formulate PostEurop’s positions when required and establish the dialogue with respective stakeholders.
  4. Initiate lobbying activities towards European institutions and policy makers in the interests of PostEurop’s members.
  5. Join Commission’s expert groups and industry alliances on certain topics when required.
  6. Circulate regular information to PostEurop’s members and facilitate exchange among the members on topical questions.

Updated on 11 April 2019

Mitra Qurban
Deutsche Post AG
T: +32 2 775 02 23
F: +32 2 775 02 22
Camilla Pedrini
La Poste Groupe