Social Affairs Committee

Mission Statement

The mission of the Social Affairs Committee is to promote discussions, exchange of good practices and joint actions on key social issues: the evolution of the postal sector, innovative training programs, corporate social responsibility and occupational safety, undertaken by the social partner organisations representing the two sides of the industry.

The committee represents PostEurop at the European Social Dialogue Committee for the postal sector (SDC), set up in 1999. Its objectives are to advise the European Commission on the developments in European policy which could have a social impact on the sector. Encouraging and promoting social dialogue within the postal sector and discuss structures to allow negotiations between the partners in the sector.  The SDC is composed of representatives of the postal employers (PostEurop) and workers unions (UNI Europa Postal) of the 28 EU Member States. Its activities are supported by the European Commission.

Main Achievements

The exchange of good practices

  • Among employers, regular exchanges of good practices on Health and Safety, Training and Diversity 
  • Together with trade unions, exchanges on skills ‘development, digitalization and training
  • Together with trade unions, a close follow-up of the main evolutions in the postal sector

Several joint projects co-financed by the European Commission:

  • The project “The world of work in the postal sector in 2030” conducted in 2021-2023 with the objective to elaborate the postal characters who will exist in the 5 scenarios for the postal sector in 2030. It is a highly innovative and forward-looking project to consider the future of the sector and of its employees.
  • The project “Postal Skills and Work Environment in the Digital Era” conducted in 2020-2022 which aims to investigate skills needs with particular reference to digital skills, analyze the impact of digitization on working conditions and consider the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on training activities and work environment. This analysis is conducted on three jobs functions of importance for the sector: Back-office postal operations, Delivery of postal items and Post offices networks.
  • The project “Trend research for the postal sector in 2030” (2018-2019). The project objective was to elaborate 5 scenarios on what will be the postal sector in 2030. It has been an interactive project triggering several reflections and exchanges among social partners. 
  • The project “Promoting social dialogue in an enlarged Europe” (2017-2018) which aims at promoting good practices in social dialogue, training and digitalization, especially towards Eastern countries. 
  • The “Mobilising social partners in a new context” (2015-2016) project which focused on how can social dialogue support the transformation of the postal sector and on new activities in the sector. In this framework was elaborated a MOOC on e-commerce and new activities. 
  • Within the framework of the Social Observatory of the postal sector, 3 projects in 2008-2009, in 2010-2011 and in 2013. These projects aimed at following the main social impacts of the current evolutions in the sector.
  • The Training project “Matching Skills and Jobs in the postal sector” conducted in 2012-2013.

The signature of Joint Documents:

  • The Joint Declaration on Training in the digital era signed in 2019
  • The Joint contribution to the Postal directive review
  • The Joint Declaration on how can social dialogue support the transformation signed in 2016
  • The Joint Declaration on Matching Skills and Jobs in the European Postal Sector signed in 2014
  • The signature of a New Joint Declaration on Postal Sector Evolution in 2013
  • The signature of Joint Conclusions on Environment in 2013

 Updated 11 July 2022


Margaux Meidinger
La Poste Groupe
T: +33 155442373
Jürgen Joos
Deutsche Post AG
T: +49 228 182 30436