Training Working Group

Mission Statement

The mission of the Training Working Group is to focus on establishing co-operation between Members and PostEurop responding to specific and common issues that postal operators face in the area of vocational training and human resources management.

Main Achievements

  1. PosEurop joined the European Alliance for Apprenticeships on 22 March 2019 (press release, certificate).
  2. Organization of seminars and workshops with high level keynote speakers to identify trends and actions which contribute to develop significantly the employees skills and define priorities such as customer orientation, employability, change management and quality improvement.
  3. Coordination of the expert's network with 20 countries on different subjects like: access to training, training evaluation, training for managers, leadership development...

Several successful training projects have been organised by PostEurop since the end of the 1990s:

  • Two digital trainings to enhance the knowledge and competences of PostEurop members on how to better use social media
  • The Erasmus + INNOV’AGE project on intergenerational management (2016-2019). Its objective is to elaborate a training prototype to manage intergenerational challenges within the postal sector. In view of the rapidly changing age pyramid within the postal sector in Europe, operators have to manage aging teams joined by younger generations.
  1. Leonardo da Vinci "Training Partnership for Stress Management in the Postal Sector project" (2013-2015) In a context of rapid changes, transformation and evolution of the postal sector, employees need to adapt themselves to increasing demands for flexibility in terms of functions and skills at workplaces. As such, stress is becoming a crucial challenge which must be managed in an appropriate way using partnership training solutions, in order to adopt positive attitudes and create a healthier occupational environment. The Project duration is 2 years and will end in July 2015.
  2. Leonardo da Vinci “Training Partnership for a Changing Post Project” (2010-2012) is part of the action of the training working group of PostEurop which has a main objective to improve quality, innovation and generally improve vocational training in the postal sector.  The project last two years and ended in July 2012. See final report.
  3. Postacademy (2001-2005): this e-learning project sought to bring in the best expertise available to design and host training modules for PostEurop Members. Two training modules were designed and translated in 9 European languages. These courses – on the European postal markets and direct marketing – have been made available for over 2 million postal employees through a dedicated web platform.
  4. ACCORD I (since 1998) and II (since 2003): the first Accord was created as a framework for the organisation of postal twinning projects to ensure that PostEurop Members were compliant with the EU Postal Directive. With the 2004 EU enlargement and the revised Postal Directive of 2002, it became urgent to launch a new Accord to encourage and facilitate compliance of the Central and Eastern European countries with the Postal Directives. This is the overall aim of the Accord II, which is now implemented.
  5. EPO (since 2004): the European Postman Organisation (EPO) project, launched by the Greek postal operator ELTA in January 2004, aims at identifying key job qualifications that enable postal workers to better respond to customer expectations, and to establish a European accreditation training system for these qualifications. PostEurop joined the project to provide it with a European dimension.
  6. A.C.T.IN (2003-2005): the EU-funded “Acquis Communautaire Training Initiatives" project was launched in March 2003 to assist postal operators from Central and Eastern European countries joining the EU in implementing EU postal legislation through the active participation of the wider postal industry, including customers. In total more than 900 European postal employees directly benefited from this training.
  7. PRO-A.C.T.IN (2007) stands for PROACTIVE Acquis Communautaire Training Initiative.  The project consists in training activities through technical assistance to improve specific skills of postal operators in Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, and Turkey which are the beneficiary countries.  It intends to help them comply with the internal market acquis and to strengthen the awareness of the stakeholders and of their business relations (SMEs) on the postal acquis. Makedonska Posta (Republic of North Macedonia) has taken an observer status in the project.  PRO-ACTIN is supported by the European Commission under its BSP2 Business Support Programme, a part of the PHARE project initiative, and is coordinated by PostEurop.

Updated 09 May 2019

Afroditi Riga
Hellenic Post S.A. - ELTA
T: +30 210 33 53 781
F: +30 210 32 27 916
Tatjana Buhač
Hrvatska pošta Mostar
T: +387 36 445 034